You can buy stock through a brokerage firm. Oshkosh Corporation’s common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol OSK.
There is a direct stock purchase plan and dividend reinvestment plan, called the Computershare CIP program, available through Oshkosh's transfer agent. To obtain more information on this program, please contact Computershare Investor Services, LLC. They can be reached on the web at www.computershare.com, or you can call at +1 866.222.4059 (from within the U.S. and Canada) or +1.781.575.4223 (from outside the U.S. and Canada).
On October 30, 2024, the company's Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.46 per share of common stock payable on November 29, 2024 to shareholders of record as of November 15, 2024.
Yes. To obtain information on the company's dividend reinvestment and direct stock purchase plan (Computershare CIP), please contact Computershare Investor Services, LLC (www.computershare.com).
Yes. Your quarterly dividend can be automatically deposited in your checking or savings account. Contact Oshkosh’s transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services at +1 866.222.4059 for an enrollment card.
The fiscal 2023 Oshkosh Corporation annual report is available on the Financials page of the company's Investor Relations website. If you would like a printed version please contact Oshkosh Corporation Investor Relations at 920.502.3024 or ir@oshkoshcorp.com.
All conference calls are webcast via our website (see Events & Presentations) and are open to the public. In addition, analysts and institutional investors can request telephone access by contacting Oshkosh Corporation Investor Relations at +1 920.502.3024.
Fiscal 2023 net sales were $9.66 billion.
Oshkosh invested $134 million in research and development in fiscal 2023.
Oshkosh Corporation was founded in 1917 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, under the name Oshkosh Motor Truck Manufacturing Inc.
The company’s common stock went public in 1985 on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Oshkosh moved its common stock to the New York Stock Exchange on July 12, 2002.
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If you have general investor questions, you may contact us via email at vconnelly@oshkoshcorp.com or at +1 920.502.3108. If you are an analyst or institutional investor, please contact Patrick Davidson, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations at +1 920.502.3266. The company’s main telephone number is +1 920.502.3009. The address is: 1917 Four Wheel Drive, Oshkosh, WI 54902.
© 2024 Oshkosh Corporation